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Are You On the Right Path?

A path in the mountains

There is a saying - a general belief - that goes something like this; 

"If you're on the right path then everything will be smooth sailing."


Personally, I believe this is wrong and couldn't be further from the truth.

If you are never consumed with worry, nervousness, or doubt, you are probably not going the right way.

If everything is smooth sailing then you are only avoiding the storms.

If everything is easy going all the time you are definitely not on the right path.


See, if everything is smooth sailing, that means you're not taking chances.

You're not putting yourself in different situations.

You are never challenging yourself or your perspective.

You're not experimenting or exploring.

You aren't making mistakes;

which means there is no trial and error involved, which is the only path to progress.

You're not getting out of your comfort zone and you're always playing it safe.

If there is no struggle or difficulty,

You are not putting yourself in a position to learn new and different things.

You are only sticking to another's narrative.

What if the person you are is not the person you were meant to be?


The truth is…


When you start on the right path - when you sincerely shift gears and start in that direction -


Things will become chaotic and probably scary.


It will be very uncomfortable,

And unfamiliar.


It's going to hurt.


And you're going to lose…a lot.


You're going to lose old, familiar mindsets; habits and patterns.


You're probably going to lose friends, and even family members;


You're going to disappoint people and you're going to alienate people.


People you like; people you respect; and even people you love.


But you have to forget everything you thought you knew.  You have to separate yourself from people you know and people you love; from the influencing and persuading voices. 

It's the only way to know your own voice.


This is when you are beginning the right path.


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