If we're always trying to be comfortable, the less it takes to make us feel uncomfortable.
If we're always trying to do things the easy way, the less it takes to make things seem difficult.
The more certain we are that we are right, the less likely we are to listen to differing beliefs or opinions.
What if we're doing it all wrong?
What if life is not supposed to be easy?
We are engulfed these days by so many comforts and luxuries that we don't even see most of them as such.
What if we've become so comfortable that we don't even realize how comfortable we really are?
We've been trying to conform everything to the way that we want it to to be or think it should be, and to avoid any pain, suffering, or discomfort.
But if life was supposed to be easy and devoid of challenges we would never learn and we would never grow.
To be certain,
To attain great comfort,
To control all aspects of life;
What if that is the great deception?
Photo by Grant Krasner